Sunday, June 2, 2024

June Rambles

Have you ever just felt the need to ramble, but you had nothing specific to talk about? Yeah, that's me today. There are things I should be doing, like working on my part of the book I'm writing with a friend or sweeping the floors and cleaning the bathroom in preparation for said friend's arrival today. But, I'm doing this instead. I'm doing this instead because I can't seem to find the motivation for anything else at the present moment. 

It's pouring rain today, which isn't ideal when you have a friend coming to town, but we can't control the weather. Strangely, the weather seems to be able to control me because I am feeling so mellow. Not down, just mellow and unable to focus on doing things. 

And it's June, which means all I have all month is things do to. My friend is coming for a visit, then another friend and I are going to NY to bring my sister back to PA, my sister will stay a week and then my other sister will fly out to join for a few days. They'll leave in time for me to pack and clean my house before me and the hubs have to fly to AZ. June is going to be insanely exhausting. All I really want to do is crawl under a rock and wait for it to pass. Though, I am looking forward to spending some time with my family, particularly my sister whom I haven't seen in 15+ years, and seeing my parents. It's about to be their 50th wedding anniversary. 

So, I just realized I might have more to do than I had thought and I have a cat trying to get my attention. Since Selune never does that, I'm going to go pet her and leave this be for now. ❤

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Tattoos and Tacos

At 45 years old, I logged a milestone today. It's amazing how you're never too old to tackle things you really should have done in your 20s. Today, I got a tattoo... my first tattoo. I choose something simple, a smallish, simple design that would be pretty and meaningful. Check this out...I'm the moon (right side). 

We got up early, made ourselves look presentable for polite society (read: I put on makeup for the first time in months), and went down to Pittsburg for tattoos, then had tacos. It was a blast. We got there pretty early, so we spent some time chatting and searching for taco restaurants. When they opened we went in, met our artist, and I went first so I didn't chicken out. She was super nice, I would 100% go to her again, and the work hurt way less than I thought it would. I think you kind of psych yourself up, tell yourself it'll hurt, and when you finally get the thing done it's not as big a deal as you had made it out to be. At least, that's what I do because I'm a little bit of a basket case. Now that I've done this, I am definitely doing it again. 

After the tattoos we had our tacos. Let's talk about the tacos for a second. The girl who did our tattoos, Paige, recommended this amazing Mexican restaurant where we had the best tacos al pastor (chicken) ever. And, the place was filled with character. Just look at this chandelier...

Oh yeah, lets not forget the tacos...

No exaggeration to say it was the best Saturday I've had in a long time. We really enjoyed ourselves, had a girl day doing something fun and meaningful, and went home full of tacos. What more could a girl ask for! 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

I Hosted a Brunch!

Here's a first for me: for the first time in my life, I hosted a small party. This is kind of a big deal for me because I don't really enjoy gatherings and I struggle with a ton of anxiety. Add to that that I'm introverted and being around too many people all at once makes me so tired and you have a recipe for disaster. However, it actually wasn't a disaster at all. It was lovely. 

This last Sunday, for Mother's Day, I hosted a brunch for my friends and it went swimmingly. I baked a cinnamon roll cake, an egg casserole, and a ruben casserole, fruit and yogurt, and blueberry muffins. I made iced tea and brunch punch (non-alcoholic). Everything was a hit, the food was delicious, the company was lovely, and we had a nice afternoon with everyone.

I think I'll do this again sometime, I learned so much from this experience. It's a little bit sad that the first experience I have with hosting is at 45 years old, but hopefully it won't be the last. And, icing on the cake, one of my guests brought me a hostess gift (two succulents), which was so sweet! 

Here's to more entertaining!

Sunday, May 5, 2024

We're Having a Communication Problem

I mentioned before that I have a small spending issue.'s gotten so out of control that I actually turned the finances over to my husband earlier this week. That's a first in our 25 year relationship and has been uncomfortable, to say the least. I went from having our entire account at my disposal, to having to ask him if I want things that aren't necessities. No more impulse Facebook Marketplace purchases, no more thrifting without asking first, and no more Amazon at a whim. Considering part of the reason I have a spending problem is because it sooths my depression for a few minutes here and there, it's an even bigger struggle for me.

But, ironically, that's also turned into a small problem because my husband obsesses. When he puts his mind to something, he obsesses over it. So, both ways it's a mess, but at least from his side it's an organized mess that will get our small financial straightened out. Unfortunately, that means things like this morning happen. His obsessing ass woke me up at 3:30am, tossing and turning, and when he realized I was awake he got me out of bed to look over our financial spreadsheet... a spreadsheet I made. He made some changes and wanted to talk about our finances at 3:30am. It's now 6am, I've been up for two and a half hours, and I am already so tired.

If he keeps this up, I'm going to inherit his insomnia and never sleep again. I've already been sleeping so poorly, this has only compounded the issue. But, in a month or two, we should be out of the financial bind I bought us in to and then maybe we'll sleep again... here's hoping.