Friday, May 12, 2023

Once More...

Well... here we are again. I figured a fresh start was in order. I feel both good about it and a bit confused, too, about why I'm compelled to keep doing this. Seems like I'm drawn to writing things down, but keeping a paper journal isn't something I could ever manage to commit to, which is pretty ridiculous since personal blogs are kind of out of style. I guess I'm a relic, because here I am, creating a new personal blog where I won't be able to write about a lot of things I probably actually need to write about.

So let's start with introductions. My real name isn't actually Mae, but it's what a lot of friends call me. This is Mae...

The picture on the sidebar over there, that is actually me. I live in Utah, I'm mid-40s and childfree, and have two sweet black cat furbabies. I'm more than 20 years married to a great guy. It's me and him against the world.

I'm liberal, suffer from depression, anxiety, agoraphobia, and struggle to get through the day most of the time. I regularly feel like the sky is falling. I spend a lot of time wool gathering and wishing I was anywhere but here. Most days I feel like the people around me are upset with me, which I acknowledge is completely irrational. I am planning to run far, far away from this place as soon as I can swing it. I am also fat and I'm fine with it... most of the time. The rest of the time I wear cardigans to cover my arms and black because it's slimming.

I'm an introvert, my favorite food is mac and cheese, and my hobbies include staying home, reading, spending time with my little family, diamond painting, and gaming. I'm not a joiner, at all, and I'm the worst person on earth to make plans with because, just being honest here, I flake. It's not my best trait, but it's a thing and I don't care to work on it. It's who I am.

I work in education as both an adjunct comp instructor at a community college and a full-time instructional designer at a technical college. My heart will always be in education and I love working in the community college and technical college systems. My only regret is that my full-time job doesn't permit working at home.

I plan to write about whatever strikes my fancy, personal, family, my pets, whatever. I'm okay if that's not your speed or if I'm not for you. I just need an outlet.