Sunday, May 5, 2024

We're Having a Communication Problem

I mentioned before that I have a small spending issue.'s gotten so out of control that I actually turned the finances over to my husband earlier this week. That's a first in our 25 year relationship and has been uncomfortable, to say the least. I went from having our entire account at my disposal, to having to ask him if I want things that aren't necessities. No more impulse Facebook Marketplace purchases, no more thrifting without asking first, and no more Amazon at a whim. Considering part of the reason I have a spending problem is because it sooths my depression for a few minutes here and there, it's an even bigger struggle for me.

But, ironically, that's also turned into a small problem because my husband obsesses. When he puts his mind to something, he obsesses over it. So, both ways it's a mess, but at least from his side it's an organized mess that will get our small financial straightened out. Unfortunately, that means things like this morning happen. His obsessing ass woke me up at 3:30am, tossing and turning, and when he realized I was awake he got me out of bed to look over our financial spreadsheet... a spreadsheet I made. He made some changes and wanted to talk about our finances at 3:30am. It's now 6am, I've been up for two and a half hours, and I am already so tired.

If he keeps this up, I'm going to inherit his insomnia and never sleep again. I've already been sleeping so poorly, this has only compounded the issue. But, in a month or two, we should be out of the financial bind I bought us in to and then maybe we'll sleep again... here's hoping.