Thursday, May 16, 2024

I Hosted a Brunch!

Here's a first for me: for the first time in my life, I hosted a small party. This is kind of a big deal for me because I don't really enjoy gatherings and I struggle with a ton of anxiety. Add to that that I'm introverted and being around too many people all at once makes me so tired and you have a recipe for disaster. However, it actually wasn't a disaster at all. It was lovely. 

This last Sunday, for Mother's Day, I hosted a brunch for my friends and it went swimmingly. I baked a cinnamon roll cake, an egg casserole, and a ruben casserole, fruit and yogurt, and blueberry muffins. I made iced tea and brunch punch (non-alcoholic). Everything was a hit, the food was delicious, the company was lovely, and we had a nice afternoon with everyone.

I think I'll do this again sometime, I learned so much from this experience. It's a little bit sad that the first experience I have with hosting is at 45 years old, but hopefully it won't be the last. And, icing on the cake, one of my guests brought me a hostess gift (two succulents), which was so sweet! 

Here's to more entertaining!