Sunday, June 2, 2024

June Rambles

Have you ever just felt the need to ramble, but you had nothing specific to talk about? Yeah, that's me today. There are things I should be doing, like working on my part of the book I'm writing with a friend or sweeping the floors and cleaning the bathroom in preparation for said friend's arrival today. But, I'm doing this instead. I'm doing this instead because I can't seem to find the motivation for anything else at the present moment. 

It's pouring rain today, which isn't ideal when you have a friend coming to town, but we can't control the weather. Strangely, the weather seems to be able to control me because I am feeling so mellow. Not down, just mellow and unable to focus on doing things. 

And it's June, which means all I have all month is things do to. My friend is coming for a visit, then another friend and I are going to NY to bring my sister back to PA, my sister will stay a week and then my other sister will fly out to join for a few days. They'll leave in time for me to pack and clean my house before me and the hubs have to fly to AZ. June is going to be insanely exhausting. All I really want to do is crawl under a rock and wait for it to pass. Though, I am looking forward to spending some time with my family, particularly my sister whom I haven't seen in 15+ years, and seeing my parents. It's about to be their 50th wedding anniversary. 

So, I just realized I might have more to do than I had thought and I have a cat trying to get my attention. Since Selune never does that, I'm going to go pet her and leave this be for now. ❤